[idéias] Columbine: games como forma de expressão

Ian Bogost relata como a história do "Super Columbine RPG" correu o mundo distorcida e pasteurizada pela Associated Press, resumindo tudo o que é essencial sobre a discussão em torno de games e sua validade como forma de expressão política.
Certamente é um tema espinhoso, mas, concordem ou discordem, só não deixem de ler. Acho que é de longe a discussão mais interessante que eu vi no Watercooler Games esse ano.
Quero ver agora eu condensar o assunto em uma notinha de 1 lauda e meia... :)
A few weeks ago I wrote about Super Columbine Massacre RPG. The game puts the player in the shoes of Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold and attempts to paint a picture of their motivations, plans, and actions on that terrible day. It's a controversial topic to be sure, but exactly the kind of subject we should be taking on in videogames: hard problems for which there are no easy answers.
I knew that public reaction to the game would be largely negative. I've received plenty of hate mail just for talking about the game. But I don't think I was fully prepared for the widespread ignorance that has accompanied reception to the game. I think those of us deeply mired in the fields of Serious Games or Games for Change or Videogames with an Agenda or even just videogame development underestimate just how long a road we still have to tread for videogames to be treated as a medium of expression commensurate with film, literature, and art.
(Continua no Watercooler Games)
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