Los Toperas

Jornalismo, videogames e seres abjetos

17 maio 2006

[idéias] Videogames da Al-Qaeda? Acho que não...

Começou com esta matéria da Reuters....

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The makers of combat video games have unwittingly become part of a global propaganda campaign by Islamic militants to exhort Muslim youths to take up arms against the United States, officials said on Thursday.
Tech-savvy militants from al Qaeda and other groups have modified video war games so that U.S. troops play the role of bad guys in running gunfights against heavily armed Islamic radical heroes, Defense Department official and contractors told Congress.
The games appear on militant Web sites, where youths as young as 7 can play at being troop-killing urban guerillas after registering with the site's sponsors.

(Continua na Reuters)

Mas acabou que era tudo um grande e embaraçoso mal-entendido, mais um sinal do nível de paranóia e descuido na "guerra ao terror" promovida pelos EUA, como mostra o Watercooler Games:

Unlike what was first thought, Reuters did not misreport on what happened at the Hearing on Terrorist Use of the Internet. What actually happened is that US Representatives were shown a parody video as real evidence that terrorist groups were using videogame mods to recruit young members. In other words, US lawmakers are being advised by incompetent contractors that mistook an amateur video with dialogue from South Park creators for an al Qaeda recruiting video. While news agencies have reported on the Hearing, none have yet published about this fake evidence. As you will see, we initially had doubts -as many people on other blogs and forums- that the parody video was indeed presented as real evidence. Many of us thought that what happened was that Reuters misreported the facts. But after watching the video myself, I concluded that it does match the description on both the stories from Reuters and the Associated Press. Based on this, I conclude that, in fact, an amateur parody video was shown by contractors to US Representatives as evidence of a non-existent terrorist propaganda tool. This goes well beyond a funny anecdote: it is another clear example on how the US Government is not being rigorous on their so-called War on Terror. Read what follows to learn more about this troubling story.

(Artigo completo do Watercooler Games)

Tsc, tsc, tsc...